1) All shooting is purely on-location stuff.
2) Sound is recorded directly to the camera on all
video shoots or via a DAT machine.(sound will never
be produced apart from the shoot.)
3) We use only natural available light. If its
absolutely needed, a small lighting package will be
4) All projects are no-budget. We use only those
resources at hand. We are very proud of this policy.
It forces the filmmaker to be creative without the
unlimited money. That way you'll produce high-quality
interesting projects unlike Hollywoods boring and
cliched high budget works.
5) Filming format is one of the following: HI-8 or
Digital video, Super 8 film, or 16mm film in special
circumstances. ( and yes...I did say Super 8 film.)
6) Never pay for locations, sets, props, or
7) And no permits!
Let your creative mind flow. Shoot your projects under
these rules and ANYONE can make a film. I hope you'll
let us see your finished products. Tell 'em you saw it
on the experiMENTAL site.